Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Independence Day?

I began this Independence Day by rolling over in bed.  I finally arose from my sleep at 11 AM.  Rested and ready for the day, I threw on some clothes made a cup of tea, took my morning meds.  I asked my wife if there was anything I could do and there wasn' off to check the email.

Sounds pretty bland, eh?  Why not, its "Independence Day"?!  My e-mail consisted of a daily devotional that I begin all my days with - focus this month is on Job.  Is there a connection between Job & independence?  I think there is.  I continued to review an e-mailed Peanuts cartoon followed by a listen to Garrison Keillor's "Writers Almanac".  The expected almanac inclusion on that first 4th of July was included but the entire piece ended with a poem by William Carlos Williams (one of my favorites) called "Pastoral".  It speaks of everyday things in a heartwarming way.  Why not, it's Independence Day.

In contrast to all this, I can't help but hear resonating through my mind, Janis Joplin wailing: "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."  Why not, it's Independence Day.  Its depressing, its un-American, it runs counter to flag-waving, fireworking, hotdog eating festivities of the day.  Yet it is part and parcel of my awareness of Independence Day!

A friend sent me one of those emails that gets forwarded on a gazillion times.  Its hoky and corny but I didn't delete it.  This one didn't have the synthesized music in the background but was glittery with red, white and blue flashing stars and stripes.  It was focused on the flag and wars and veterans and sacrifices and making the GI heroes the reason for our focus on this day. It didn't sit well on my soul.

I'm appalled by the civil religion that foists itself as patriotism.  Veterans of our nation's armed services are heros but alas, they are human beings.  Many gave their lives...many suffered horrible physical and psychological wrongs in the service of our country.  I've sat with those disabled vets, forever wounded in their souls.  I've listened to their stories.  I honor their sense of commitment and willingness to 'go the distance'.  Deep inside I realize that my freedom to even write these words is in part the fruit of their labors...and I am thankful.  But I'm also aware of those who chose not to serve or to serve in different ways.  They too are heros who made my liberties possible.  They may not have carried a gun - their conscience and their actions were their weapons.  Some went to jail.  Some  emigrated to Canada or other places.  

I refuse to celebrate the wars - after all, its Independence Day.  But I will not settle for negativism or a void where others wave flags, eat hotdogs or savor fire works.  I - personally will turn to God - who sees beyond our warring strife.  Who abides with the dying, comforts the grieving, celebrates with the revellers and calls us one and all to faithfulness to the highest of our ideals.  I'm not very good at this...I don't know many who are.  But today is a great day to try once more.  After all, its Independence Day.

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